Vernon D. Roosa Distinguished Professor; Director, Center for Manufacturing and Metrology
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Acoustical Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecturesahay@dandick.net 860.768.4852 UT 229
PhD, Indian Institute of Technology
BS, Regional Institute of Technology
Certified Manufacturing Engineer in Manufacturing Engineering
Professor Chittaranjan Sahay holds the Vernon D. Roosa Distinguished Professor Chair in Manufacturing and Professorship in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Hartford. At the University of Hartford he has held various offices such as, has held the office of Associate Dean and Director of the Graduate Programs of the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture, and the Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department. He has also held teaching and research positions nationally and internationally. He received the University of Hartford 2018 Bent Ward for creativity and scholarship.
Sahay has served the ASME as Section Chair, Vice President of Region III, Senior Representative of the Student Section Committee, member of the Honors and General Awards Committee, Manufacturing Engineering Technical Committees and the Governor of ASME. He served the Society of Manufacturing Engineers as the Chair of the Professional Licensure Committee and was responsible for the Principles and Practice of Engineering Examination of Manufacturing Engineering. He has also served as the item writer and subject matter expert in Practice of Engineering Examination of Mechanical Engineering for the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying. He served a member of the New York State Board of Engineering Land Surveying. He serves as Program Evaluator for Mechanical and manufacturing Engineering Programs for the ABET. Sahay is a Fellow of the ASME and recipient of the 1997 Dedicated Service Award, 1998 ASME Faculty Advisor Award, 2002 ASME Sparks Medal and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) President Award.
Note: This faculty member will be on sabbatical for Fall 2024 & Spring 2025. During a sabbatical, faculty may not be available to support students or conduct other University business.
- 3D Computer Modeling and Computer Imaging
- Rapid Prototyping and Concurrent Engineering